Qualification and Accreditation
TSA Level 1 Coaching Course: Application Process and Entry Criteria
Process for TSA Level 1 Application
- Applicants must apply through their respective provinces.
- Course fees must be paid in full before the course commences.
- Applicants must be a current TSA member and be in good standing with their
respective province and with TSA, for a period of at least 2 consecutive years.
Level 1 Entry Criteria
The following are pre-requisites for attending of the course:
- Signed Code of conduct.
- Valid First Aid certificate – Department of Labour approved service provider – if the certificate is older than 1 year, it must be accompanied by a latest CPR certificate.
- Have a police clearance certificate not older than 1 year.
- Applicants must be a current TSA member and be in good standing with their respective province and with TSA, for a period of at least 2 consecutive years.
- 18 Years of age or older on the day of the course commencing.
- Have shown commitment to the development of Triathlon at a junior and/or development level.
It is understood that certain provinces and individuals may find themselves with differing
circumstances and that in exceptional circumstances exemption may be made based on RPL and
provincial need on agreement with the National High-Performance Committee and Coaching Lead.
TSA Level 2 Coaching Course: Entry Criteria
In order to attend a TSA Level 2 coaching course, the candidate must:
- Meet all the criteria as laid out for level 1, and:
- Hold a level 1 certificate in Triathlon from TSA or an accredited body, or hold a level 2 certificate in a related sport or be in possession of a degree (NFQ 5) in Sports Science, Phys Ed etc.
- Have at least 3 years of evidence-based coaching in triathlon or 5 years in a related sport.
It is understood that certain provinces and individuals may find themselves with differing circumstances and that in exceptional circumstances exemption may be made, based on RPL and provincial need, on agreement with the National High-Performance Committee and Coaching Lead.
Licensing, Qualification Process and Criteria
Level 1 Qualification Aim and Learning Outcomes
The course is run over a three-day period (not always consecutively) with each day taking 8 hours. In addition to this, the candidates will have to complete, prepare, and study for an estimated additional 12
hours to give a total of 36 hours.
This Award offers an opportunity for triathlon coaches to be supported in developing the knowledge of how to effectively plan, conduct and evaluate triathlon coaching sessions, ideally while working with the
support of senior coaches.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to:
- know how to establish and maintain an effective, fair and equitable coaching environment.
- understand the principles of coaching.
- know how to establish and maintain a safe coaching environment.
- understand how to plan coaching activities.
- understand how to plan for a safe coaching environment.
- understand how to prepare facilities and equipment for coaching activities.
- understand how to prepare participants for coaching activities.
- understand how to conduct planned coaching activities.
- understand how to support participant(s’) behaviour and performance.
- understand how to conclude coaching activities.
- understand how to evaluate coaching activities.
- understand how to develop own coaching practice.
- plan coaching activities.
- plan for a safe environment.
- prepare facilities and equipment for coaching activities.
- conduct planned coaching activities.
- support participant(s’) behaviour and performance.
- conclude coaching activities.
- evaluate coaching activities.
- develop own coaching practice
The qualification is comprised of a combination of modules being both general how-to skills of coaching, and more specifically, what-to skills, unique to Triathlon. This can be summarised as follows:
- Understanding fundamentals of sports coaching.
- Planning of coaching activities.
- Delivery of coaching.
- Evaluation of coaching.
- Planning triathlon specific sets.
- Conducting triathlon sessions.
- Evaluating Triathlon sessions.
The course is delivered by a mixture of classroom lectures, group work and discussion, directed practical
tasks and written tasks, which are conducted by the learners themselves.
Technical Syllabus
Initial orientation:
Pool etiquette – pre-entry, entry, use during session, post-session and other users.
Use of appropriate equipment to develop:
- movement through the water
- simultaneous and alternating kicking action
- basic push and glide
Front crawl stroke – correct
- body position
- arm action
- leg action
- breathing technique
- selection of practices and progressions
- peed and pace control
A knowledge of the skills and techniques and identification of appropriate coaching points to bring about improvements.
Initial orientation:
Pool etiquette – pre-entry, entry, use during session, post-session and other users.
Use of appropriate equipment to develop:
- movement through the water
- simultaneous and alternating kicking action
- basic push and glide
Front crawl stroke – correct
- body position
- arm action
- leg action
- breathing technique
- selection of practices and progressions
- peed and pace control
A knowledge of the skills and techniques and identification of appropriate coaching points to bring about improvements.
Cornering, considering the:
- approach
- exit
- position of hands, feet and body.
- in the saddle
- out of the saddle.
- body position.
Group riding:
- when next to another rider
- when surrounded by riders
- communication
- changing position
- position of hands, feet and body (linked to
control section).
Safety through:
- traffic awareness
- bike/helmet/ clothing check
- position of hands, feet, body
- signalling.
A knowledge of the skills and techniques and identification of appropriate coaching points to bring about improvements.
Initial orientation:
Pool etiquette – pre-entry, entry, use during session, post-session and other users.
Use of appropriate equipment to develop:
- movement through the water
- simultaneous and alternating kicking action
- basic push and glide
Front crawl stroke – correct
- body position
- arm action
- leg action
- breathing technique
- selection of practices and progressions
- peed and pace control
Achievement of the qualification is done through assessment of the following:
- Understanding of fundamentals of sports coaching
- Establishing a fair and equitable coaching environment
- Importance of communication.
- Importance of both diversity and equality in coaching.
- Recognition of individuality (coach the person).
- Importance of being a role model in appearance and conduct.
- Principles of coaching
- Importance of teamwork.
- Ongoing professional development.
- Need for feedback from participants and colleagues.
- Implementing feedback received.
- Establishing a safe coaching environment
- Responsibilities regarding children and vulnerable adults.
- Procedures for ensuring the safety of all athletes but especially children and
vulnerable adults.
- Codes of practice.
This is assessed by means of exam, tasks conducted in class, assignments and application during practical sessions.
- Establishing a fair and equitable coaching environment
- Understanding the principles of planning
- The principles of planning
- Importance of planning.
- Delegation of responsibility of planning.
- Type of information required for efficient planning.
- Dealing with confidential information.
- Use of evaluation to better plan.
- Planning a safe environment
- Importance of Health and Safety.
- Equipment and facilities and procedures, potential issues.
- Limits of responsibility with regards to facilities and equipment.
- Identify the differing hazards in the different disciplines when coaching.
- Reporting of issues and problems.
- How to prepare athletes for Coaching activities
- Understand the requirements for correct dress and equipment for relevant
- Importance of being able to clarify with participants, rules codes and safety requirements.
- Understand the importance and relevance of warm up and cool down and when relevant and appropriate.
- The principles of planning
This sis assessed by means of exam, tasks conducted in class, assignments and application during practical sessions.
- Understanding how to conduct coaching sessions
- Understand how to conduct coached Sessions
- Know own responsibilities during session.
- identify sport specific skills required for the relevant activity.
- Selection of appropriate equipment for different levels of athlete.
- Be aware of health and safety risks while conducting sessions.
- Understand how to support Participant behaviour and performance
- Understand importance of good communication.
- How to motivate and encourage equitably without undue stress.
- Being able to manage participant behaviour.
- Use of feedback during the session to the athlete with regards to delivery and timing.
- Understanding how to conclude coaching activities
- Allowing enough time to finish all planned activities.
- Allow for cool down as appropriate.
- Allow for summary of session.
- Allow for opportunity to receive feedback and the importance of this.
- Importance of removal and storage of equipment.
- Understand how to conduct coached Sessions
This is assessed by means of exam, tasks conducted in class, assignments and application during practical sessions.
- Principles of evaluating Coaching activities
- How to evaluate coaching activities
- Why evaluation is important.
- Comparison of planned v delivered sessions.
- Recording of results of feedback.
- Using historical evaluations to plan future activities.
- How to develop one’s own coaching
- Understand how to gain feedback from various sources.
- Review of feedback to identify areas for development.
- Use of various sources for own development and improvement of coaching.
- How to evaluate coaching activities
This is assessed by means of exam, tasks conducted in class, assignments and application during practical sessions.
- Planning coaching activities in triathlon
- Plan triathlon coaching activities
- Produce plans that will meet the session’s aims.
- Ensure planned activities fit into time frame allowed.
- Use evaluations to ensure suitability of plan to meet sessions aims.
- Prepare facilities and equipment for triathlon activities
- Identify equipment required for planned activities.
- Set up equipment in a safe and correct manner.
- This unit is assessed by the completion of two sessions of different disciplines aimed at a group of athletes at level 1 competency. These sessions should show consideration to the range of abilities of the athletes the external environment, coaching points as well as general Health and safety issues.
- Plan triathlon coaching activities
- Conducting Coaching activities in Triathlon
- Conduct Planned Coaching activities
- Follow Health and safety procedure.
- Communicate with athletes and others clearly.
- Ensure that athletes have all pertinent information for the session.
- Deal with accidents and injuries following correct procedures.
- Support Athletes performance
- Be clear as to how to observe throughout activities.
- Pay attention to all athletes and their need.
- Give appropriate feedback at appropriate times.
- Use of feedback for both positive activities and areas identified as needing improvement.
- Ensure that communication is not open to misinterpretation.
- Be able to deal with questions.
- Conclude Triathlon activities
- Assist athletes with cool down.
- Encourage triathletes to give feedback to the coach.
- Conduct Planned Coaching activities
The assessment of this unit is done by the planning and delivery of an allocated 15min coached session using level one technical syllabus. This is observed and marked by the course facilitator.
Level 2 Qualification Aim and Learning Outcomes
This course builds on the work done at level 1 and as such, candidates must meet the entrance criteria.
This being:
In order to attend a level 2 course, the candidate must:
- . Meet all the criteria as laid out for level 1 and
- Hold a level 1 certificate in Triathlon from TSA or an accredited body, or hold a level 2 certificate in a related sport or be in possession of a degree (NFQ 5) in Sports Science, Phys Ed etc.
- Be at least 23 years or older.
- Have at least 3 years of evidence-based coaching in triathlon or 5 years in a related sport
It is understood that certain provinces and individuals may find themselves with differing circumstances and that, in exceptional circumstances, exemption may be made based on RPL and provincial need, on agreement with the National High-Performance Committee and Coaching Lead.
The course duration is five days of classroom work with substantial amounts of reading and task work, as well as preparation. As such, the Triathlon South Africa level 2 is estimated to take between 100 and
140 hours of work.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to:
- Know how to establish and maintain an effective, fair and equitable coaching environment.
- Know how to establish and maintain a safe coaching environment.
- Deliver and maintain a safe environment.
- Review a variety of needs and be able to set goals relevant to those.
- Deliver linked and complex coaching sessions.
- Develop and enhance performance.
- Conclude coaching activities.
- Evaluate coaching activities.
These, as in level 1, can be broken down into 5 units of which four are more general (coaching ethics, planning, observation, and evaluations), but must be assessed in context of the 5th practical unit of
triathlon coaching specifically.
Assessment of these units is done via the following methods:
- Attendance at all days of the course.
- Participation and involvement in tasks and activities.
- Completion of all tasks in the task book.
- Successful completion of two 20-min practicals (These will be allocated by the facilitator). This will require preparation of a full 60-min session plan, including warm up, drill, main component, and
cool down, as well as a risk assessment for each venue. - Exam 60% pass mark.
- Practical application – you are required to coach an athlete in order to demonstrate your ability to apply theory to the individual needs of an athlete. The coaching will be expected to be for a 24-
week period starting from a date after the completion of the course.
Evidence would be expected in the following areas:
Planning & Preparation, including:
- Athlete Profiling
- Athlete medical awareness
- Lifestyle Profiling
- Performance Profiling
- Dietary Analysis
- Triathlete Action Plan
- Triathlon Year Planner / Macro/ Meso/ Micro
Delivery, including:
- Risk Assessment
- Individual Session Plan
- Overall Coaching Programme Self Evaluation
- Development & Evaluation of others involved in Coaching Programme
- Summary of Performance Analysis, Profiling and Goal Setting
- Redo of Performance profiling (Coach and athlete)
- Triathlete Feedback Evaluation